Wednesday, June 17, 2009

typhoid Dylan

As if end of school year nuttiness isn't enough in and of itself, its been germ central at our house since this weekend. Friday night, Dylan fast and furiously came down with a 103 fever and cough. Took him in Saturday thinking he had the flu, but learned he had a viral respiratory infection instead. Got oral meds and we're doing neb treatments and he's still coughing but getting better slowly. As a result, he missed his soccer tournament on Saturday and one of his best friends' birthday parties. Total bummer.

This morning he woke up with a crusty puffy eye. The dreaded pink eye. Taking him to the pediatrician again shortly for medication, and keeping him home today. Its a rainy day, and if I can keep the boys from performing WWF Smackdown on each other all day, maybe Dylan can get some much needed rest and I can catch up on some work!

Update on Friday June 19th
Lets add to the list a little trip to the ER last night for a raging ear infection. Poor guy! They also gave him more breathing treatments for the cough, and we're goign to try another round of steroids and two antibiotics to knock this virus out. Thank goodness he isn't contagious, at least.

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