Sunday, December 26, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Christmas Eve, Grandpa Joe and Grandma Bobbie came up for an overnight visit.  I came down with some sort of flu virus and coughed my way through the holiday this year.  I'm still feeling, well, like reindeer poop.  So disappointing, but not much you can do...   

I certainly wasn't at the top of my hosting game, but I tried to do the best I could.  My stepmom was a total lifesaver and picked up where I had to slack.  And I didn't even get a picture of her, ugh!  Since I was feeling so horrible, we had to skip taking the kids to the Christmas Eve service at church. 

Chris and Jessica came over for Christmas Eve and we enjoyed a nice evening together.  The photos of the whole family together are on my brothers camera, so once I have those I'll post later.  I wish I had gotten better photos of the cousins all playing together.

My Dad brought something special to share with all of our kids.  When I was a little girl, we had this brass angel candle thingy... you light the candles and the heat makes the angels spin and look like they are flying.  Here he is showing it to the kids.  He told Dylan he's now in charge of it every Christmas, since he's the oldest grandchild.

We had some festive libations and munchies...

We got Santa's cookies and milk ready, spread the reindeer food outside and got ready for a long winter nap. 

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.

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