Thursday, April 3, 2008

haircuts and old people

Today was haircut day. Our boys both love getting their haircut, and thank goodness because of my short hair and theirs we need to go about every five weeks. As we were getting ready to leave, a little girl about four came in with her parents, screaming bloody murder "I DON'T WANT A HAIRCUT!!!!!" If I had to go through that every five weeks, I'd need medication. That girl was traumatized and she wanted no part of letting those scissors near her coiffe. If that were my child, she'd have a Crystal Gayle hair-do by the time she was six. Because no hair cut is worth that kind of screaming. Logan is just in it for the lollipop at the end. He will lick that Dum-Dum, even with hair stuck all over it, until its nothing but a soggy stick. Dylan, meanwhile, is much more a conversationalist with his stylist. "Did you know I go to preschool? Yea, I'm almost five so next year I'll go to Ian's school. Today we're going to a house where the old people live because nobody visits them. I'm going to a hockey game tonight. I have big muscles. Want to feel them?" The stylist speaks very little English, but it doesn't matter to Dylan. He has a captive audience. Just like the time we were stuck at Costco for three hours getting new tires on the car, and he invited all the other people waiting on their cars to come to our house afterwards and have brownies with us.

By the way, we are going to a senior citizen home today with MOMS Club to visit the residents. I was trying to find a way to explain the concept to him today without sounding scary, and what he took away was that we have to go because no one else visits them. Then he wanted to know if he could bring his V-Smile and plug it into their TV, because mommy, I think the old people will like to play Go Diego video games. There will be a roomful of 1 - 7 year old kids and I have a feeling by the time we all leave, those senior citizens are all going to need martinis. I know I will!

1 comment:

Da Doo Run Run said...

Can't wait to hear the old people stories. I'm sure there will be at least one gem that came out of Dylan's mouth.