Wednesday, March 24, 2010

creative juices a-flowin

Artwork and learning is abound all over this joint.  

Yesterday was Dylan's last day of after-school KidzArt, and he created a sun and moon celestial sort of thingamajig.   I love the vibrant colors, and the curly-q's alongside the sun.   I think this class has really given him more confidence in his creativity, and its taught him different techniques and tools ("Mom, we used oil pastels today!").   Andrew and I both enjoy creativity and appreciate art, and I hope we can keep Dylan's interest piqued as he grows.

Logan made this adorable Easter bunny at preschool today.   I just love the projects he brings home.  They've been practicing their cutting and gluing at school.  At any given time lately, I can find him sitting at the kitchen table, safety scissors out, construction paper in hand and tiny little pieces showering the floor. 

They just completed a Number Book at school showcasing their cutting and gluing, and he brought that home today as well.  He proudly showed me every page and recognized and pronounced each shape correctly, even octagon.

He's been counting absolutely everything lately.  Number of steps he takes, forwards and backwards.   Number of raisins in his bowl.   Number of orange slices on his plate.  How many dead worms are in our driveway.  Number of Leapster games he has.  How many Easter eggs he found at the egg hunt.    The pile of Matchbox cars on the floor.  He also wants me to read everything to him,constantly.   And I mean everything.  The warning sticker on the dryer, every road sign, every menu item, food labels, and books, books, books. 

I'm glad he has such an interest and he's such a little sponge right now, soaking it all up and storing it up for life.

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