Sunday, March 7, 2010

goodbye winter!

Today has been the first nice day we've had in months.  The last of the snow is gone from the yard, and we could finally get out there and start cleaning up the mess this crazy winter has created.   I scooped a half ton of dog crap out of the yard so the boys could finally get out there and PLAY and RUN and be BOYS.  Its been months, truly.  And ahhhhhhhhhhhh, what a feeling to have the sun shine on my face, music blasting and finally feeling that maybe, just maybe, spring will be here soon.   Because honestly, if it snows again I think I'll just cry.  Goodbye winter, be gone!

Andrew got the garden beds all prepped and ready and has a bazillion seeds starting to sprout in the basement, just ready to go outside once its warm enough.  This will be Year Two of the garden and I'm excited for eating good, healthy, fresh things right from our yard.  All sorts of peppers, tomatoes, spinach, beets, lettuce, sweet potatoes, herbs, broccoli, and who knows what else.

We didn't quite finish raking leaves last fall before the harsh cold set in, so Andrew tackled that today, too.  But not before Logan took residence in them, rolling around like a wet dog.

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