Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Recap - Star of the Week

As I mentioned, Dylan was Star of the Week in his first grade class last week.  On Friday, Logan, my Mom and I were special guests there.    Dylan got to make his first official presentation, summarizing his 6 3/4 years on this Earth.   His teacher let him take questions and every hand shot up, eagerly wondering how he got photos of Scooby Doo and  Tom and Jerry.  Check out that form with the pointer.  He was so proud of himself!

Afterwards, I read a book to get everyone in the mood for lunch.

Then it was time for the wonderfully mysterious mystery item!  We were to bring a surprise item from home, but keep it hidden.   Dylan gave three clues, each a little more specific than the last.     But still... no one guessed what it was.

Clue 1:  This is part of an animal.
Clue 2:  The animal lives in the ocean.
Clue 3:  This animal is brown.

Bonus Clue:  Its a type of crab.

A horseshoe crab tail to be specific, which we found on the beach in Florida a couple of years ago.   All the kids gathered around to feel it.  

Dylan's teacher said it was a great mystery item and seemed to like that it was educational and not just a random stuffed animal that a lot of kids bring in when its their turn.

After the fabulous mystery item was revealed, we were off to lunch in the cateteria with his class.  Everyone enjoyed cheese pizza, except me who dared to try the cheeseburger and a sort of salad (lettuce and a radish?)...

Since that didn't exactly hit the spot, we signed Dylan out of school early and embarked on a pilgrimage to Friendly's for a celebratory dessert.  Dylan ordered his usual mint chip sundae. 

Logan pulled a Logan and ordered a bowl of sprinkles, no ice cream.  And then a bowl of cherries.  Thankfully we had a nice waitress.

And I bellied up to this big boy... some sort of molten chocolate peanut butter cake sundae that was completely ludicrous and supplied three days worth of calories.  I couldn't finish it all but I gave it my best try.

A celebratory ending for a totally awesome day in First Grade.

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