Friday, March 5, 2010

happy nectar

Dylan's been taking an art class after school with KidzArt for a few weeks now, and every week he's been bringing home his masterpieces.  This is what he made this week; his first attempt with pastels. 

He was a holy mess when I picked him up, looking quite the part of an artist gone wild, covered in black pastel crayon from head to toe.   But I think he's really enjoying himself and its a great creative outlet for him.  He's never been much into drawing or artsy stuff yet, so this has been a great initial glimpse into his artistic side.

I've been trying to interpret this drawing, or at least trying to figure out why the lizard is so happy to see the flower.  I asked Dylan about the meaning of the drawing and said the lizard is happy because he's getting ready to drink the flowers' nectar.

I think there's something about it that reminds me a bit of a Georgia O'Keefe painting..

1 comment:

ruth said...

I love Dylan's art piece.