First, Dylan started soccer this week. He had practice Wednesday night, and his first training this morning. The first few weeks they hire a training company to come out and work with the kids. His coaches and teammates seem great, and it will be nice for him to make some new friends. Logan brings his soccer ball and plays on the sidelines, and has quite the kick. As soon as he's old enough, we'll sign him up too. We think Logan will be the competitive sports player, whereas Dylan just likes to go out there and have a good time. The soccer field was blustery and cold at 8:15 this morning, but at least it was sunny and the kids really enjoyed themselves.
Dylan is officially on Spring Break all of next week and doesn't return to school until his birthday, April 14th. We thought we'd head to the lake house for a few days early next week, but the weather doesn't look great and its just too much work to pack everything up and get down there and not even be able to be outside. So home we'll stay. I'll try to plan a few museum field trips and other places we don't often get to go with Dylan in school everyday. Maybe we'll go here, maybe we'll go here... we'll see. We don't get to fly by the seat of our pants much during the week anymore, so it will be fun to have a week with no set schedule.
In other news, Logan has decided he no longer needs a daily nap. Which is making for some long, tantrum filled days around these parts, I won't lie. If he naps, he then won't go to bed at night. Then last night, we had the combo day - no nap and still wouldn't go to bed. Fun times! He is so head strong, when he makes his mind up about anything that's the end of it. Which will hopefully work in my favor when he finally decides, on his own, that peeing in the potty is MUCH better than in his diaper. Lets hope that happens soon.
I think I forgot to mention two things from last weekend, in my post-cholesterol news-induced shock. Dylan woke up last Saturday morning with a low grade and lethargy. Ran him into the ped and he tested positive for flu. Just a hunch I had, since kids at his school have had it lately. Put both boys on Tamiflu right away and neither of them ever really got sick. It just kind of petered out, and Andrew and I remain flu-free.
In the midst of being house-bound for an entire weekend, we saw a posting on where a family in our community was giving away a 15' Bazoongi trampoline w/enclosure, in perfectly good condition. They chose to give it to us (they were moving to a house w/smaller yard). Andrew disassembled and reassembled in the pouring rain and wa-la, our backyard is now recreation mecca with the trampoline and the playset. Our neighbors must think we got a huge tax refund. The boys love it. We looked it up online, and the trampoline alone is $500, the enclosure an additional $300. Freecycle rocks. I must have written that family five emails thanking them. It looks like this one from their website, but we'll have to capture some jumping action photos soon.

Tomorrow is supposed to be our first super gorgeous weather of the spring, and we're planning on taking full advantage of it. Every year, the Marlborough Hunt Club has their annual Steeplechase race, about an hour and a half from us. Tailgating, betting on some horse races and seeing lots of great, old friends, enjoying some sunshine and a few tasty adult beverages. Can't wait!
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