Monday, April 6, 2009

Hoedown at Roedown

Yesterday was one of those glorious spring days that are few and far between. Good food, great friends and a gorgeous blue sky at the 35th Roedown Marlborough Hunt Club Races. The kids rolled and romped and ate their quota of cookies for the month. The first year I went to Roedown, I was 20. Liza and I were college roommates. Seventeen years later, its more about the food and kids and actually watching the horse races, and less about the drinks, but just as fun as ever.

Andrew and Miss Liza....Now where is that bookie?

Man with Chocolate Face and Mairin, Julie's daughter, in wagon

Three fourths of my bridal party and long-time friends... (Liza, Ronda, Me, Julie)

Logan's 1,786th roll down the hill. The boys left a ring around the bathtub last night!

1 comment:

Julie said...

It was GREAT day! Thanks for posting the pics!