Wednesday, April 29, 2009

day four

Day four of The Chart and so far, so good. Dylan has been much more positive, helpful and brotherly. He's so motivated to earn points to play Wii. On average, he's earning about 10 points a day, which in turn gets him 30 minutes of Wii after dinner. However, last night, he chose to save up his points to puts towards a playdate tomorrow when his friend comes over. He wants to be able to play longer than 30 minutes, so I like that he figured out how to bank his points towards more time. He's really stopping to think about what he can do to help me, help Logan and earn another point. I'm loving it.

In turn, Logan's behavior has been more pleasant these last few days, too. When he can mellow out a bit, he's such fun and so darn sweet. Today he told me "I'm good boy mom".

Had a girls night out last night. Ahhhh, always so nice to share some good adult conversation with some of my favorite girlfriends. We went to Jackson's Mighty Fine Food and Lucky Lounge, and it was delicious.

Its 58 degrees and raining on and off here, and I'm secretly hoping soccer practice will be cancelled tonight. Who will go home on Idol tonight? I have a feeling it will be Matt Giraud. The other four contestants are all fantastic, and all so different from each other, and I wish they could all win. I think Adam might take the cake this year though.

1 comment:

Da Doo Run Run said...

I went to that Jackson's place not long ago when I drove up on a Friday to meet some old coworkers for lunch. It was good! And I was sans kids, so of course the food tasted even better...