Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Big School, Little School

There's always so much going on with school, I thought I'd do a post just about the latest academic happenings around here.

First, Dylan got his Third Quarter report card today and I'm so proud of him. He's doing so well, and his teacher even commented that his fine motor skills have come so far this year. They are currently learning about seeds and growing, and its been fun seeing all projects he brings home. The one area he still struggles with is completing his work on time, its an on-going area we work on. I'm working on some things for Staff Appreciation Week at his school in a couple of weeks, and they're holding a Grandparents Day in May where the kids will perform some songs and then they all get to eat snack together. Grandma Lynn is very excited to attend. The kindergarten classes are putting on a concert later in May to welcome the incoming kindergarteners. We attended last year, and it was very sweet and well done. Also later in May, he'll be taking a field trip to see the play If You Give A Pig A Pancake. Either Andrew or I will chaperone, so that should be a lot of fun and I'm sure whoever goes will need several Motrin by the end of that bus ride.

I've been at Dylan's school a lot lately because Logan recently started his new speech therapy sessions there. He has a new speech therapy teacher, and he took to her right away. He goes twice a week for 30 minutes. While he's in class, I've been walking the track trying to get some exercise. So far its all going really well, and his language, coincidentally, is really exploding again right now. We're getting lots of full sentences and new words. Of course, all this new language also means I'm hearing a lot of "No Mom, I won't!" and "Give it back, that's mine!". We'll take the good with the bad I suppose.

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