Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today we went here, per Dylan's request. The day was perfect in every way. The weather was fantastic, the farm wasn't crowded, we played all day long and had a picnic in the sunshine. No one whined, no one complained, no one talked back, no one asked to play video games, and it was just gorgeous everywhere you looked. It was the kind of day I could watch them play together, when they didn't know I was watching, and feel my heart overflow with pride and love to the point of explosion. If only I could bottle days like today up and save them for the not so swell days.

I bought them both an old fashioned candy stick in the little general store for the ride home. Logan promptly fell asleep, clutching his grape candy in his sticky little fist, his face covered with dirt. Dylan licked his candy quietly, smiled and summed up the day in one word - great.

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