Monday, December 7, 2009

look out shaun white...

...there's a new kid in town, shredding up the hill by the library. With the fun surprise of an early snowfall this year, I dashed to Target yesterday in search of better gloves for the kids and came home with a snowboard for Dylan. Since he had used his regular sled to stand on the day before, and even jumped a ramp some kids had set up on our awesome sledding hill near our house... I figured he was ready for an upgrade for something more gnarly.

Despite the fact the snow was already starting to melt, he strapped it on and after some less than graceful falls, gained his bearings and even did a few jumps. He was back out there again today, on the very last of the snow in our front yard, ripping it up again.
Its comforting to know the ER is five minutes from our house, you know, just in case.

I give Logan a year, maybe less, before he straps on a snowboard too. He and Andrew were flying down the hill on the saucer, the faster and bumpier, the better.

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