Sunday, December 20, 2009


We got somewhere between 20 and 24 inches, but whose counting? It took four snow shoveling sessions to get the driveway and sidewalk cleared. Sledding was a no-go yesterday as the wind was blowing too hard and the fluffy stuff was just, well, too fluffy.

These two photos were taken yesterday at about the halfway point of the accumulation.

Today, however, the sun is shining, the snow has stopped and thanks to the local teens at the sledding hill, the slopes were packed into nice paths by the time we arrived (sans camera, so it wouldn't get smashed).

Here is the scene around our house. Assuming this sticks around for the week, we're going to have a white Christmas for the first time I can remember in many years.

With a little help from the front yard snow mountain, Dylan is as tall as our lamp post.

Kid Bliss.

Christmas House.

Swirly roof snow.

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