Friday, December 18, 2009

spirit of the season

Unbelievably, they're predicting a pretty major amount of snow here starting tonight through Sunday. I can't remember ever having two big snows here before Christmas. With Christmas copious amounts of snow predicted, I spent the morning waiting in line at Super Target and Costco, along with half of our counties' population. And I have to admit I felt a little ridiculous out there with all the panicking people, buying milk and eggs and bread and TP and hot cocoa. But seriously, I was really out of those things, okay? And I would have been going to buy them today regardless of a snow prediction or not.

And boy, does this holiday/snow rush bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. I got cut off in parking lots several times, cut in front of in line at Costco, and it seemed everywhere I went people were Invading My Personal Space! Ugh.

But a friend of mine told of a different experience she had today at the Post Office. Standing in a huge line to mail packages with her 2-year old, a woman a few people in front of her in line actually bought her stamps for her. A complete stranger. Isn't that wonderful? There are kind people in this world, even this time of the year.

I also read this story in the Washington Post yesterday and it’s really a heart warmer. Especially at this time of the year, when it’s easy to get caught up in your own whirlwind of insanity. I am reminding myself to take time and enjoy every minute of the holidays... they go by so fast and there are so many memories to be made with the people we love.

Happy Holidays!

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