Friday, February 20, 2009

rock on little buddy

My friend Sandee has tagged me for fun little blogging task... I'm supposed to open my fourth folder of photos on my computer and choose the fourth photo, post it here and explain it. And then tag someone else. So here it is:

The story is this. I was pregnant out-to-there with Logan, and we decided to take one last family vacation while we were still just a family of three. As I've written about many times before, my Dad and Stepmom live in Cape Coral, Florida. We enjoyed a week of lounging by their pool and going to the beach and waterpark. One night, we all ventured down the road to a little hole in the wall bar on the water called Bert's Bar and Grill in Matlacha, on Pine Island. We went for two reason's. First, Bert's offers some mighty fine bar cuisine, including our first ever encounter with fried macaroni and cheese (genius!). Second, a local band called The Yard Dogs was performing. They had a cool sound ... a combination of Zydeco, blues, and Cajun. They played some cool instruments including a Rhumba Box, accordian and a scrub board.

Dylan had just turned three, and he had an all out obsession with music. He used to carry his electric guitar everywhere we went. More than once, he has been asked up on stage to 'perform' with the band at a wine festival we've attended. We didn't take his guitar to Florida but we did bring his harmonica, which was a little more portable. And I don't think the band was halfway thru their first song before Dylan was right in front of them, dancing and playing along.

So now I'm tagging three other friends: Di, Kristin and Danielle, you're next!

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