Wednesday, February 4, 2009

to be a mom

Over breakfast this morning:

"Mom, when Logan came out of your belly, was he covered in blood?"


Its not like we let him watch birthing shows. So I told him all babies are born with a little blood on them. But it gets wiped off quickly and they get a bath. Its no big deal. He seemed okay with that answer and moved onto another topic.

But since he asked this question, I've been thinking about both of my deliveries throughout the day today. Its funny how I don't remember any blood, any pain or discomfort or nausea. Now that I look back, all I can remember is the complete sense of awe and overwhelming love I felt for them both immediately. It humbles and amazes me everyday.

1 comment:

T8ermom said...

I love you that you're sweet like this. It makes you so special. I NEVER think about that stuff.