Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the birds and the pigs

Lots of good blog material over here lately, I can't help myself!

We have four hermit crabs (the fifth one recently bit the dust) in an aquarium in our kitchen. At least I didn't kill him, like I did our sea monkeys this past summer when I spilled them down the garbage disposal. No, the fifth crab was eaten by his bretheren crabs. Nasty little cannibals.

The other night, I'm on the computer and Dylan walks over to tell me:

"Mom, one of the crabs is on top of the other crabs' back!"

Me "Oh really?" (pretty disinterested, as I was probably busy reading some ridiculous Facebook photo tag or something)

"Yea! The one crab is on the other one's back and they're you know...doing that thing... "

Me: (slightly more interested, turning to look at Dylan now) "That thing?...."

"Yea, you know that thing when they get on each others backs?"

Me: (eyebrows raised, slightly increased heart rate, mind racing to a rather spicy episode of Dirty Jobs we once came across where Mike Rowe was at a farm and I had to change the channel quickly) "Ummmmmmm.... Ummmmmmmmm" (mind scrambling... are we really going to have to have this conversation right here, right now?)

"Yea, you know the pig thing? When they get on each others backs?"

Me: "Pig thing? Pig thing... Hmmmmm... pig thing......" (Dylan looking at me clearly expecting some sort of answer and now....)


Me: "You mean a PIGGY BACK RIDE?!!!!"

Dylan: "YES! A piggy back ride! You know, when they ride on each others backs?!"

Whew. I love the innocence of the five year old mind.

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