Tuesday, February 17, 2009

we're going to need a napkin

Tonight after dinner, we decided to break out the fudgsicles, February 30 degrees be damned. I found a multi-pack at the store last week with three flavors: white chocolate, milk chocolate and dark chocolate.

Last week, we all tried white chocolate and they were delicious. However, tonight we were out of that flavor. It didn't take long before the boys looked like this:

Dylan declared that "This one taste - ez (he sometimes adds an extra syllable when a word ends in 's') gooder than the udder (other) one".
Today was the 100th day of the school year. And in my hustle to leave the house this morning, I totally neglected to photograph Dylan's project. Each child was to construct something out of 100 random items of their choice. Andrew went to the office store last week and found some cool colored paper clips in all kinds of wacky shapes. For the past three nights, Dylan counted out 1/3 of the clips and hooked them all together, forming a huge chain that would make Mr. T proud.

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