Wednesday, September 9, 2009

all about the details

As I talk to lots of my friends who have little boys, I hear over and over again that they just aren't that great with the details. Building a huge racetrack for Matchbox cars with nothing but couch pillows and scotch tape - yes. Getting as filthy as humanly possible after being outside for only 20 minutes - yes. But sharing every intimate detail about the oh so important First Day of First Grade - not so much.

And so last night, as we tried to pluck tidbits from Dylan (whose eyes were drooping shut at the dinner table at 6:30 pm) about his special first day at school, we pretty much got nothing. We know he ate a huge bean burrito for lunch. We know he played outside. We know they had a fire drill. What happened during the rest of the 6.5 hours of his school day is anyone's guess.

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