Sunday, September 20, 2009

falling for fall

Fall is so close, I can smell it. And though its still technically summer for two more days, we're turning our minds to the things that make fall so much fun. The boys have been discussing Halloween costume ideas, we've hung the Indian corn on the front yard lamp post, and I'm craving chili and apple crisp. There are many things I love about where we live, and the change of seasons is one of them. I get excited this time every year, knowing the best holidays are within reach, and we can soon pull out jackets and sweaters to keep us warm in the crisp air.

Yesterday, we took advantage of a perfect weather day and spent the afternoon at our very favorite fall festival destination. There are so many of these around the area, but this one totally rocks. And lets face it, nothing kicks off the fall spirit like some apple cider, corn maze, gigantic slides that give you a dusty hay butt, awesomely long hay ride and kettle corn.

So after soccer yesterday morning, we headed over to romp in the hay and get our autumn spirit on.

The boys got to milk a cow. Dylan stepped right up but Logan was a little more weary. There were also baby pigs born just hours before our arrival. Adorable and aplenty - 17 of them! The poor mama...

Inside the House of Cards and the Tunnel of Bugs and Reptiles in the Cornundrum Corn Maze...

They have the best hayride ever -- live dancing aliens, live horses, singing trolls and a disco barn full of ghouls. Doesn't get better than that.

Dylan's favorite, the giant rope swing into pit of foam.

Logan was finally big enough this year to try it, too!

Other fun fall upcoming events: Dylan's school fall country fair, neighborhood brewfests, the annual Croom Fall Football Fest, and lots more!


Yum Yucky said...

Oh gawsh. The cow thing reminds me of when my grandmom would take me to her friends farm. The woman would give me milk that came fresh squeezed out the cow. Worse thing ever.

Looks like a real fun day!

Michelle said...

We know people here who buy raw milk illegally and won't drink it any other way. I've never tasted it but I guess you either love it or hate it. I'm just not a big milk person and my kids eat so much cheese and yogurt I don't enforce milk at my house!