Monday, September 14, 2009

taking on the world, or at least preschool

Dear Logan,

And so begins your formal education. Your very first day of preschool, buddy. You were so proud getting out of the car today wearing your brand new backpack, smiling big when you saw your teacher and barely stopping to give me a kiss goodbye.

There have been many, many days in your three little years when I thought this day couldn't come fast enough. Then there were days when I thought you might not be ready, or willing. You've come so far. Really, I can't even say how proud I am to be your mommy.

When I picked you up from school (after three hours of blissful kid-free, snack-free, no-taking- anyone-to-the-bathroom, no-whining errands), your teacher brought you to the car and when you saw me, your smile was just gigantic and so proud. You climbed into your seat and gave me your verbal first day checklist: Snack? Goldfish. Craft? Frog puppet. Playground? Yes. New friends? Yes. Nice teachers? Yes! Can't wait to go back? Yes!

You loved school, and I love that you went there today, big and bold ready to take on the world.


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