Sunday, March 9, 2008

the five hour vacation

Today Andrew said he'd take the boys to do some 'boy stuff' (also known as 'go watch some go-cart racing and then hit the Best Buy'), giving me a few hours to myself. I was in desperate need of a mommy break.

I chose to use it running errands that would otherwise be out of the question if I had the kids with me. Boy, you forget what its like to be alone in having to stop and look at the toy section, no pleas for candy, no rifling thru the diaper bag for an emergency fruit leather, no clock ticking to get you home before nap time. Pure bliss. That's when you know your life has changed - a trip alone to the Target and Borders qualifies as bliss. I finished up getting stuff for the kids' Easter baskets, taking my sweet time, and even treated myself to lunch at Pei Wei while luxuriosly reading my new (parenting) book.

I was excited to find this Easter Egg decorating kit that will come in handy in a couple of weeks.

For Logan's Easter basket, I got some great new lift the flap books by his favorite Karen Katz, including "No Hitting!" and "I Can Share". And I got Dylan the next level of Brain Quest cards for kindergarten age 5-6. He knows all of the answers to the 4-5 year old preschool ones we have already. He loves to do them before bedtime. He calls them his 'business cards'.

Stay tuned. Tomorrow will be a full day. Music class at the library, preschool and Brynn's birthday party!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Look at you with your links, etc! You are a pro-blogger already! :) Target and Borders alone IS luxurious and that's all there is to it...
I may be picking those board books up for Tommy - they sound great!