Sunday, March 2, 2008

told you so....

So this morning, after Logan's haircut (he sat in the chair all by himself for the first time during a haircut and was so intently focused on his lollipop she could have been plucking his eyebrows and he would not have cared), we decided to enjoy the balmy 49 degree weather. Headed to a really cool playground that is part of an elementary school and off limits to us during the school week. Everything is made from recycled parts, everything was donated, hand constructed, etc. We hadn't been there since last summer, before Logan was walking. So it was a whole new world for Logan to explore, and that boy loves to slide! Its amazing how he can climb and slide down the big boy stuff already, at 19 months. Such a 'big boy complex' he has. Anyway, Andrew was swinging Dylan on a tire swing. Faster and faster, spinning and spinning, higher and higher.. "Dylan, I think its time to get off, you're going to be sick...." "No, I'm fine, I'm fine, higher...higher! Faster! Higher than the sun!". Spinning, spinning, faster faster.... "Daddy, its time to get off" ... "Are you going to throw up?".. "Yes!" Runs to the fence....... blerchhhhhh. Sorry cool playground. He didn't listen.