Wednesday, March 12, 2008

a long but happy day

Logan's appointment at Kennedy Krieger was very helpful today. There are no easy answers or fixes, but its comforting to know this behavior is normal for his age, and especially for a child lacking in verbal language. There's such a huge gap between how much he understands (everything!) and what he can actually say (a total of three words to date). So he's frustrated. And has a very strong will on top of it all. So we are taking a step by step approach and starting with a new discipline tactic to curb the aggressive behaviors. We will take him back to KK in ten days (March 24) for another appointment to see how its working, and what other tactics we might want to try out. We're pretty much implementing a 'behavioral modification plan' and we feel good about it. I could go on for three pages, but I'll leave it at that for now and keep you posted as things develop. We can do this.

Since we were in Baltimore already, we took advantage and visited the awesome Maryland Science Center. We had a blast, and I think you'll see from these photos, so did the boys! I love going to these types of places during the week vs. the weekends - deserted, staff is friendlier, and your child gets long turns at all their favorite exhibits.

One of the museum staff asked Dylan if he wants to be a scientist when he grows up. Dylan thought hard about it and replied "No, I just want to do what my Dad does." "What's that", the guy asked. "Go to work, make money and dive". NO idea where he got that from.

Logan at the water table

Dylan mans the submarine (learning how to dive, perhaps?

smokin' baby

the scientist at work

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