Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wegman's, will you marry me?

I love you Wegman's. Let me count the ways. If it weren't for Wegman's, grocery shopping would be so much more painful in a number of ways. I love that they have such a nice kids club that Dylan loves and begs to go to. The ladies in there are so nice and remember his name each time. That leaves me only with Logan to navigate the store. We have our routine - produce, dairy, non-perishables and meats and deli, with a last stop by the bakery to visit the breadman for a delicious sample. I love that I can buy organic blueberries for the same price as non-organic. And let me tell you, my kids can eat some blueberries. By the pint. And I let them, because I'm hoping it will make up for the fact that neither of them will touch vegetables. At the checkout counter, I couldn't help but notice what the lady behind me was buying. At least 80 cans of cat food, and four boxes of panty liners. That's it. Now that's a party waiting to happen!

On the ten minute drive home, Dylan managed to cover a number of subjects... first, he asked me why the sky was so bright blue today and who is in charge of that anyway? And also where do Santa's reindeer live? I wish I could live at the North Pole, he yearned. And also, I wish we could go to a farm today. You know, the one with all the ghost stalls, mommy.

Dylan's been inviting random people to his birthday party in April. Strange kids at the park, people we see at the store, basically whoever will listen to him for two seconds gets invited. At this rate we'd have to rent out RFK stadium to fit all the people he has invited. His party isn't until April 12th, and I showed him on the calendar how far away that is. But every single day he asks if TODAY is the day. And I say, not yet. And so he continues to invite more guests.

1 comment:

Da Doo Run Run said...

Please, we've had a construction paper chain counting down the days until Jake's birthday for at least two weeks now. Every day we remove a link and the chain gets shorter. While he hasn't been inviting perfect strangers to his party, I have the difficult task of making him understand he will not turn 5 next month and then go to big-boy school the very next day. That's what I get for always telling him kindergarten was for "when he is 5."