Thursday, March 13, 2008

go sell crazy somewhere else. we're all stocked up.

Phone call to health insurance company today:

"Yes, I'm calling to find out if our child is covered for certain services for developmental delays."

Pause. "Well, was your child in an accident?"

"No. No accident. He is just showing some delays in certain areas and we're trying to get him some help."

"Well, therapy for developmental delays are not covered in your plan."

"So what you're telling me is, if our child fell out of a window, hit his head and was unable to speak, we'd be covered. It our child was popping pills, bulemic or wanted to get some Viagra, we'd be covered. But developmental delays clearly don't fall under the parameters of such serious conditions."


"I'm sorry, I don't write the plans. I would encourage you to contact your state resources and see if they might offer you some services."

"Oh, believe me. We are going down that path already. Call me crazy. I just thought that perhaps our health insurance might cover some services that would be helpful to our child's development."

Is it me or is this just crazy? Perhaps if more developmental therapies were covered and were more available to more children, there wouldn't be so many children struggling later in school and in life.

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