Thursday, March 6, 2008

Decisions, decisions.

We have this crazy board game called Zobmondo, and its all about asking questions to choose between two horrible or uncomfortable or disgusting situations. We keep all of our games in the playroom, and sometimes when I'm down there with the kids, I'll pull out the box of Zobmondo game cards just to amuse myself. Here are some of the more tame (I am keeping this blog rated PG) sample questions to ponder:

Would you rather...

....Always speak in rhyme - OR - never hear every third word spoken to you?

.....Be in a small pond with one alligator - OR - three dozen piranha?

....Have a panic attack while 75 feet up in a tree you've just climbed -OR- while swimming 100 yards out in the ocean?

.....Always be itchy -OR- always feel as if you have to pee?

.....Ride a roller coaster while hungover -OR- bungee jump during a bout of diarrhea?

Tough choices, I know! Think carefully.


Tomorrow night, we are taking the kids here.

It just opened near us, and its a great concept - a place for families to be active and have fun together. They have a rock wall and an interactive 'fitness arcade' with lots of games to play, plus kick boxing, moonbounce obstacle course, and basketball. I'll try to get some good photos of the kids while we are there.

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